On a radiant Easter Monday morning, sixty teenagers embarked on a transformative journey of self-discovery, resilience, and growth in the heart of Mushin, Lagos. The Proudtobeme 2024 Easter Boot Camp was a haven where fears were confronted, limits pushed, and impossibilities made possible.
As participants arrived, they were immersed in various activities and competitions carefully crafted to foster confidence, skills, and knowledge.
The day began with an inspiring talk by Mr Frank Iwok, Operations Manager of Proudtobeme Nigeria, who encouraged the teenagers to become the best version of themselves.
Nneka Okeleke, a guest speaker, shared her journey of overcoming self-doubt, emphasizing the power of positive thinking, healthy self-esteem, seizing opportunities, and believing in one’s abilities. Another guest speaker, Chiamaka Okolie, led a thought-provoking session on Academic Excellence, delving into effective study habits, time management, and communication.
The teenagers then showcased their knowledge in a quiz competition, testing their understanding of Nigerian history. The atmosphere was electric as they participated in singing and dancing competitions, unveiling hidden talents and strengths.
As the event drew to a close, participants shared their experiences, revealing how the sessions had profoundly impacted their lives. While winners received accolades from Proudtobeme, the teenagers universally agreed that true success lies not in winning competitions but in overcoming personal struggles and supporting one another.
As they departed, they carried with them a renewed sense of purpose, ready to face challenges and illuminate the world with their unique light.
The Easter Boot Camp was more than just an event – it was a rebirth of hope and love, a testament to the transformative power of self-discovery and growth.